
Earth Creature.

....i planted another garden today.
that brings the tally to, ahem, 5.
and i have plans for another.
its a sickness.

The thing is, i feel connected outdoors and find it tremendously satisfying to be working with my hands.
I even enjoy yard-work like mowing the lawn - though i tried using a weedwacker the other day and that scared the living daylights outta me - and i caught Ryan raising an eyebrow trying to follow my routine with the lawnmower. In case you were wondering, there was none. I made wavy lines, and a zigzag, and a swirl. This is apparently 'not how its done'.

Moving on.

Does anyone else think the process of seed to flower/edible is magic? Stick this nondescript little thing into the grubby earth and with care and patience, up emerges beauty.
Anyway, they're mostly all still seeds...i hope they grow.

Heres the main backyard garden.
Rhubarb is in the pot, because if its planted in the ground it has a tendency to overtake the area, then there are tomato plants (under the round cages), peas along the right side of the fence, the strawberry patch is along the short fence and lettuce, carrots, and cucumbers are in the middle.

Heres the herb garden! I have no idea what kind of tree that is, it was here when we moved in and it seemed mean to yank it out just because i couldn't identify it. Anyway, those green plants are basil, transplanted there today from the windowsill garden. Dill and chives are on the right, more basil and rosemary are on the left.

This was todays project. It's the backyard flower garden. The line of pots are waiting to be moved elsewhere around the yard and in the house. Transplanted the grapevine to the far end of the row today - hopefully it will grow all along the fence. There are morning glories at each main fence-post as reminder of my grandmother. She always had them grow up around her bird-feeder and mine is above those rocks in the bottom right hand corner (thats the birdbath to the left of them). There's also hollyhock, mini-sunflowers, daisies, and love-in-a-mist. Contemplating throwing poppy into the mix.

I think thats enough photos of dirt.
...i really hope they grow.

Also, the following statement could be an entire post by itself: i'm attempting to quit Diet Coke. I've cheated a few times since i started but with the help of this magic potion:

im going to make it through.
If you'd like to try, i find 2 parts juice to 1 part perrier gives a nice fizz without being bitter, but see what works for your palate. Oh, and if anyone uses any other juices with it, please let me know! I get the feeling some new flavors will be necessary soon.

Finally, am considering the names Tootles and Smee for the fish. They are, after all, for a Peter Pan nursery.

Ah, and one more thing. While i've been sitting here typing, ive also been feeding this cute baby:

Life is good.


  1. Oh my, I want a yard and all your gardens.

  2. 1. I know this is late but
    2. I love it! and
    3. I couldn't help but hear Bernadette in my mind as I read about your garden pursuits (rooting through my rutabaga, raiding my arugula, ripping up my rampion, my champion, my favorite!) and
    4. I love Perrier and think it would be yummy with cranberry juice and also
    5. Smee!!!! though
    6. you've probably already named it since
    7. this blog is from April and
    8. Your blog is witty
    9. I will keep reading, however far behind I am so
    10. keep writing. And
    11. see you tomorrow.
    12. (!!!!)
